If you click the YouTube icon beside a link, that takes you to the YouTube version of the same video. For most of the videos, the YouTube version is quite adequate. But videos that are of a nonstandard size display more clearly in JW Player. So if you're watching a YouTube video that appears a bit fuzzy, it means that YouTube is not displaying the video at its original size. In that case, you'll get a clearer view via the JW Player link.
During the fall of 2013, there were some issues using the JW Player links with certain versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. (The videos have always worked fine with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.) I think those issues have been fixed. But if you do encounter any issues watching the class videos, please report the problem to Dr. Page. It's our intent that all the videos should be viewable with recent versions of all the major web browsers. But we don't always do testing with every possible web browser. So if you do encounter problems watching any of the videos, please let us know so that we can look into it.