This note is going to all students enrolled in MA 114 Section 601 (Distance Education).
All information that you will need throughout the semester will be found at the class web site:
I am Dr. Page, the professor for this class, and Jennifer Burt is the teaching assistant who will be helping with the class. You will receive very little e-mail from us this semester. Most information for distribution to the class will be done via the class web site. E-mail will generally be used only for correspondence with individual students.
Reading all the info at the web site is the ONLY way to understand how the class works and what is required of you. Here is part of what you will find at the web site:
News Page and Home page - Places to find important news postings throughout the semester
Get Started - The important things you need to do prior to starting work in the class
Course Content - The sidebar on the right provides links to the 6 parts of the course. Click on any of these links to see a list of the instructional videos (hosted at NCSU and also at YouTube) for that part of the course. These videos may be viewed on any computer, iPhone, or iPad as well as many Android devices.
Contact Us - Information about me and Jennifer, what kind of services we provide, and how to contact us.
WebAssign - Information about the tool used for all assignments and tests
Grades - An exact description of how grades for the class will be determined
You already have assignments posted at WebAssign. The first ones are due on Jan. 10. So getting off to a good start is something you need to do now!
I hope you have a great semester.
Dr. Page
IMPORTANT: This is an online class. You should be enrolled in this class only if you have good computer access (including broadband Internet access) and enjoy working with your computer.